FILTH-FIGHTING FORMULA: Get rid of icky stains and smells while protecting your home! We’ve figured out how to power up better household supplies for toilet cleaning without compromising on safety. This plant-based cleaner is completely free of dyes, bleach, and artificial fillers.
FIGHT BACK WITH FUNKGUARD: Fight the funk and get your bathroom set up to impress your guests! This powerful toilet cleaning gel features our very own FunkGuard technology that eliminates and prevents odors, keeping your toilet cleaner longer while leaving a lemony fresh bathroom scent.
SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: At Lemi Shine, if an ingredient isn’t safe, we don’t go near it. Our gel toilet bowl cleaner is safe and effective, leaving your home clean.
AWARD-WINNING THRONE CLEANER: At Lemi Shine, we're all about making your porcelain throne sparkly clean and fit for a king or queen! Thanks to our best friend citric acid, our household cleaning supplies like this toilet bowl cleaner give you an even cleaner clean and even shinier finish!
100% GUARANTEED HARD WATER CLEANER: Lime, rust, hard water stains, and grime? Goodbye! Our toilet power cleaner is here to get rid of mineral deposits and bring back the sparkle! Just squirt under the rim to coat the entire toilet bowl. Then scrub, flush, and shine on!
PROUD EPA SAFER CHOICE PARTNER: We’re proud to be named a Safer Choice Partner by The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). At Lemi Shine, it’s not just about a spotless home for household cleaning products—it’s about keeping you, your family, and the planet safe. We got your back!